August 12, 2018


time is running out...
my body has rebelled against me
i can feel it kicking away at my insides,
fighting to get out.
"how many more months to go?", i ask
for it seems like time is moving
too fast AND too slow
some things happen when we least expect it
we just have to make the best of it
i prepared by reading, researching and reflecting
i was built for this, trust me
no more harboring negative energy
i was born for this. to give birth to you.
time to stop hiding the greatness that is you.
time is running out...


deep inside lies a defeated mindset, filled with anxiety
everytime he think's he's fine, it continues to evolve. daily
pressure and pain to be/do/act like something he is not from those who love and care about him
relying on the physical and forgetting the mental damage. It got so bad he
even let go of the life he used to lead. his happiness is gone.
sooo many times telling himself he can change this by himself, he'd fail and try again, strong- willed and stubborn; refusing to be vulnerable.
sooo many times manuevering like a robot without emotions
"i don't need help, I got this", all while masking this internal pain. but the 
only thing was, he did need help and received it in those spaces he feared going into.
no longer facing these battles from years ago